Articles on the topic "Universities"

News on Investments in EdTech Startups in the Past Week. We’ll tell you how to increase the volume of attracted investments.
Fresh air, clean sea, vast natural beaches, stunning mangroves, a hub of cultural and educational activity, and a high level of development – Abu Dhabi is a genuine paradise on earth. Astute investors are increasingly focusing on the real estate market in this rapidly advancing emirate, recognizing its immense growth potential. Projects like the Louvre Residences and Saadiyat Lagoons on Saadiyat Island or the Yas Golf Collection on Yas Island offer exceptional opportunities for both residence and investment.
When relocating to Dubai, families with children often encounter the challenge of selecting a suitable school. The emirate boasts both public and private educational institutions, with a particular demand for private international schools offering English-language instruction, facilitating seamless entry into global universities. 
Abu Dhabi’s real estate market is fascinating due to its comprehensive development, which impacts all aspects of life and the economy within the emirate and the country as a whole. The region’s growth is not limited to housing construction but includes the development of entire neighborhoods, catering to the needs of both expats and the local population. New residential projects go side by side with hospitals, schools, universities, and, of course, museums – the hallmark of Abu Dhabi in the 2020s.
Since the beginning of 2022, real estate prices in the UAE mega-cities doubled, and demand exceeded supply. In the UAE, federal and regional taxes may differ and it depends on the emirate. The choice between the free zone and the rest of the territory depends on nationality, the company’s physical presence in the UAE, profit margins, the presence of exports, and its nature. 
The United Emirates Want to Go to Mars
Once to Mars – many nations consider this to be the accolade of space travel. Now a new player is entering the stage: The United Arab Emirates wants to conquer the red planet. The small country on the Persian Gulf plans to put its first probe into orbit.
UAE Women
Wearing a hijab, sharing a husband with other wives, observing many rules is a lot of women living in a Muslim state with strict morals. The women of the United Arab Emirates do not complain: they have ruled the country for a long time.
Where to Study in the UAE
Thousands of school-leavers go abroad every year to pursue higher education. Recently, they have focused not only on the US and Europe but also on Asia and the Middle East. Eight universities in the United Arab Emirates are ranked among the best universities in the world by QS World University. There are also branches of international universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries.

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