Articles on the topic "Relationship"

Are you running a business in the UAE but postponing accounting? You shouldn’t. Incorrect accounting can result in fines, account blocking, business suspension, and even a ban on operations in the UAE. However, with proper accounting practices, significant savings can be achieved. Professional bookkeeping can decrease company costs and boost revenue. And no, we’re not referring to illegal practices that could lead to penalties in the UAE.
Today we would like to share important information about the business licensing process in the UAE. This stage is key when starting a business in this country, and a competent understanding of all aspects of licensing can greatly facilitate your task. Keep in mind that having a license will allow you to conduct business activities in the Emirates following the law.
The real estate rental market in the UAE is breaking records year after year and has grown by tens of percent in 2023. The momentum will continue this year as the Emirates confirms its reputation as a global business hub. This factor, as well as tax preferences and quality of life, attract wealthy people around the world here, which increases the demand for real estate and rental rates.
If we look at the various failures associated with investment in real estate in Dubai, there is a question. Are you planning to buy an investment property? Read this article, it will help you not to lose money and make money on your investments.
When venturing into the business landscape of Dubai and other Emirates in the UAE, it’s crucial to adopt a cautious approach, particularly when considering the acquisition of an existing enterprise. This guide aims to illuminate the process of purchasing a business in this region, highlighting essential steps to mitigate potential financial losses and maximize profitability.
Since the establishment of the United Arab Emirates, the Emirs of Abu Dhabi have exerted substantial efforts to transform the fragile union of monarchies into a centralized state.
Doing business in the East requires a revision of ideas about time. The average Arab “minute” is 80 seconds, which is three times the European perception of time. Tasks that seem doable in a month in the West may require two or even three months in the East. Flexibility and patience become key success factors.
While the UAE and Dubai are renowned for their cultural diversity, creating enduring business relationships in this region demands a profound understanding of local cultural norms and traditions.
How is the rental price for housing in Dubai determined, can the landlord raise it independently, and who regulates the price for apartments and villas.
About 80% of Dubai residents are renters, making buying an apartment for rental purposes a profitable investment. However, the Dubai real estate rental market has its own characteristics. Here, the rights of each party are equally protected: it is difficult to evict a tenant even after the end of the lease agreement, and landlords do not have the right to inflate the cost of services.
Long-term and short-term contracts between the lessee and the lessor are concluded without third-party witnesses and guarantors. Let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of daily and long-term rental apartments in Dubai.
Real estate rental in Dubai is a standard legal procedure, providing for legal payment and the conclusion of a formal contract. It is conducted in several stages and has a number of regional features that should be familiarized before arriving in the UAE.
What else could attract investors besides remote transactions, 0% installment for up to 7 years, and no taxes?
2021 will be leaving us soon. Should we remind you about the most interesting articles that have been published on our website? Here everyone will find something interesting about luxury and wonderful Dubai.
Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City
The Dubai Internet City is a free trade zone right next to the Dubai Media City. It is a technology park where well-known companies from all over the world such as Microsoft, Dell, Siemens, and many more have settled. 
Dubai's "White Gold"
Dubai is a glittering world of luxury: Spectacular skyscrapers and oriental markets shape the cityscape of the Emirates on the Persian Gulf. However, things are anything but glamorous on a camel farm on the outskirts of the city. Over 4,000 camels deliver the milk for Dubai’s “white gold” there.
Camels in the UAE
Dubai is the premier sports capital of the entire Middle East region. Here your attention will be provided with various types of competitions and international championships, golf, tennis, equestrian sports and car racing, ice skating, and scuba diving. The local climate and modern sports facilities make Dubai an ideal destination for sports enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts. The pride of the United Arab Emirates is camel racing.
Student of the Future
In 2019, in the Global Talent Trends report, LinkedIn cited the data: 92% of employers are less interested in the knowledge and experience of an employee if they are not supported by emotional intelligence, the ability to cooperate, adapt to changing conditions, etc. Deloitte Access Economics predicts that by 2030, flexible skills occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs.
Main Attractions of Al Ain
Al-Ayn is a garden town, one of the oldest settlements in the world, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Magnificent oases, historical forts, and palaces of rulers, archaeological parks with ancient artifacts, camel markets, lively souk bazaar with Arabian spices, carpets, and incense. But above all, the spirit of history and the aristocracy of culture. The name «Alain» in translation means a «spring» or «source», and it is from here that the whole history of the UAE begins because here Sheikh Zayed was born and grew. We have selected five places to visit.
Ramadan in the UAE
For the United Arab Emirates, the state religion is Islam. However, along with this, other religions are allowed. The Emirates is the most open state in the Arab world. It is here that citizens of many countries of Asia, America, and Western and Eastern Europe live and work. The country has a significant number of temples, churches, and other structures of various religions.
Dubai can be called a city of diversity because on the streets you can hear people speaking English, Hindi, Urdu, Philippine and, of course, Arabic, the state language of the UAE. Having in the arsenal a few useful words in the native language of the emirate’s inhabitants, it is possible to show kindness in any situation and enrich your impressions from a holiday in Dubai with pleasant communication. You start with a phrase.
Wedding in Dubai
There comes a time in every couple’s life when they want to legitimize their relationship. Now that the bride’s consent has been obtained, the engagement is over, so it’s time to start organizing a magical wedding celebration.
Arab Women
Getting to the United Arab Emirates is not difficult: you bought a ticket, made a visa, and now one of the most comfortable airports in the world welcomes you with open arms. But what is it like to get here to live? There are only two ways: come to work or get married.

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