Articles on the topic "Prohibitions"
For some they are important meeting places, for others the symbol of capitalism: shopping centers have always excited people. The Munich exhibition “World of Malls” invites you to take a journey through time through the world’s major shopping centers – with both positive and negative examples.
Every corner of the world has its own peculiarities, which have a significant influence on tourist holidays. And in this article, we want to list some facts about the Arab Emirates that tourists should know before going. We would like to refer more to prohibitions, since violations of such prohibitions may lead to imprisonment rather than a fine. Nevertheless, sharia law played an important role in that Muslim country. So what to fear and what to consider before going to Dubai, Sharjah, or other regions of the UAE.
In this article, we will try to elaborate on how to behave in the UAE, what is prohibited and what is permitted, how to communicate with the local people, and how to not get into trouble during the rest and the rest of life.