Articles on the topic "PCR"

According to Forbes, we looked at three of the richest individuals in the UAE. In this article, you will find out who they are and how they accumulated their impressive fortunes.
Etihad Check-In
It is possible to do the Etihad Check Indirectly at the airport or even better online from home. Of course, you can save a lot of time there and you don’t have to wait.
Dubai Taxi
Here are 12 tips to keep in mind when using a taxi in Dubai. This is still the best and cheapest means of transport in the city to use.
Jumeirah Zabeel Saray
The Jumeirah Zabeel Saray is one of the most luxurious hotels on The Palm Jumeirah. It is a palace from 1001 nights where you can spend a beach holiday with the whole family.
Dubai Airport
From now on, the entry to Dubai for vaccinated tourists without PCR test is possible. Thus, it has now become easier to enter the emirate and it is almost like earlier. Here you learn everything about what you should know.
Dubai Cigarettes
As a tourist, you certainly want to smoke in Dubai and here you can find out whether you are allowed to do so and where you can buy cigarettes. By the way, this is only possible in certain places and you should know that.
Tips for Celebrating New Year's Eve 2021 in Dubai
Here you get a lot of tips if you want to celebrate New Year’s Eve 2021 in Dubai. The emirate has prepared well and there are great fireworks, for example on the tallest building in the world, that should not be missed.
Always nice weather, a breathtaking skyline, and one of the tourist hotspots of recent years: Dubai has a lot to offer. Since the end of 2001, real estate in Dubai has also been sold to…
The Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub recorded a 78 percent growth of private jets movements in Q4 2020, compared to Q4 2019. The Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub (MBRAH) at Dubai South has said that…
Strong sales performance in Q4 paves way for a solid start in 2021 as investors are back in the market Dubai real estate looks set to stage a strong rebound this year following solid performance…

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