Articles on the topic "Italian Kitchen"

According to Forbes, we looked at three of the richest individuals in the UAE. In this article, you will find out who they are and how they accumulated their impressive fortunes.
If you seek to stand out and appreciate unconventional solutions, you’ll be intrigued by the “country dachas” on an artificial archipelago. The Floating Seahorse project from the Kleindienst Group features unique floating homes with underwater floors and their own coral reef gardens. These are high-tech vessels located 4 kilometers from the coast, consisting of three levels.
The Best Brunches in Dubai: Add to Your List
The weekend in Dubai is a time of a gastronomic tradition: brunch. Every Friday and Saturday, the famous all-inclusive buffets, the decadent festive menus are open from noon. 
Best Verandas in Dubai
Where to say goodbye to cramped air-conditioned rooms and go out into the open air? We went around town and compiled a list of the best outdoor verandas.

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