Articles on the topic "Islam"

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a sought-after destination for business, but cultural nuances raise concerns among international observers. Divergent ratings portray a complex picture, with some highlighting women’s protection and others pointing to discrimination.
Dubai has impressively positioned itself as a key player on the crypto stage. Its commitment to creating an attractive business climate means it is steadily attracting blockchain enthusiasts, investors, and innovative crypto companies. The city offers a solid basis for growth and innovation in the crypto sector through its progressive regulatory framework.
According to Forbes, we looked at three of the richest individuals in the UAE. In this article, you will find out who they are and how they accumulated their impressive fortunes.
In this article, we will summarize the key calendar events that are worth noting for successful business in this region.
Real estate in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, attracts the attention of many, but not everyone can afford to invest a large sum right away. Like other developed countries, the UAE is actively developing a lending system that provides various options for those who want to become property owners.
Moving to Dubai is a dream for many, given the city’s blend of modernity and luxury, making it an enticing destination for new residential and business opportunities. Let’s delve into what Dubai has to offer expats and explore key aspects to consider before booking that one-way flight.
In this article, we will talk about one of the greatest Arab travelers of the 12th century, who can easily be called the “Arab Christopher Columbus.”
Dubai today is one of the largest cities in the United Arab Emirates. In addition, Dubai is the UAE’s most important commercial and financial center, with an administrative center and deep sea port. 
Information on women’s health in Dubai: reproductive health services, cancer diagnosis and treatment, mental health. Health insurance, availability of services.
Legislative aspects, the stability of the economy and the region’s security, location, ways of doing business, and cultural norms – when buying property in the UAE, it is essential to notice many non-obvious factors.
Alcohol in Dubai
It is possible for tourists to apply for a free alcohol license in Dubai. We will describe exactly how and where to do this here.
Jumeirah Mosque
The Jumeirah Mosque is one of the largest and most beautiful in Dubai. The holiday in Dubai is becoming increasingly important and popular. A very trend attraction forms the Jumeirah Mosque. This is due to its enormous attractiveness. And on the other hand, sure that it was the only mosque for a long time in the entire United Arab Emirates, which also provides visitors who are not belonging to the Muslim faith.
Blue Souk
Tourists should definitely visit the Blue Souk in Sharjah. Also known as Central Market. Many taxi drivers are unfamiliar with the term Blue Souk. The building is beautifully made and very reminiscent of earlier Arabic architecture with many domed roofs and wind towers. The souk was completely renovated a few years ago and now shines in new splendor. In the Blue Souk itself, there are many gold shops where you can usually negotiate a very good price.
Ramadan 2022 in Dubai
Ramadan 2022 in Dubai starts on April 2nd, 2022, and ends on May 2nd, 2022. For tourists, we have important information that you should know if you want to go on holiday there at this time of the year.
Dubai Cigarettes
As a tourist, you certainly want to smoke in Dubai and here you can find out whether you are allowed to do so and where you can buy cigarettes. By the way, this is only possible in certain places and you should know that.
Experience a Spectac in Dubaiar Show
At the turn of the year, the city of superlatives sets its own standards. Bigger, more spectacular, more breathtaking – this is New Year’s Eve in Dubai! Read now what awaits you on December 31st in the magnificent desert city and where you will have the best view of the spectacular fireworks.
2021 will be leaving us soon. Should we remind you about the most interesting articles that have been published on our website? Here everyone will find something interesting about luxury and wonderful Dubai.
Bikini in Dubai
On vacation in Dubai, you would of course like to wear a bikini in the hot temperatures. Here you can find out whether you are allowed to do this and where this is allowed at all.
Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City
The Dubai Internet City is a free trade zone right next to the Dubai Media City. It is a technology park where well-known companies from all over the world such as Microsoft, Dell, Siemens, and many more have settled. 
From Jerusalem to Abu Dhabi: Jair Lapid Visits Emirates
Israel’s Foreign Minister has officially visited the Emirates for the first time. While normalization is proceeding, it is stalling in other Abrahamic states.
Practical Tips for Dubai
Dubai is a fascinating travel destination. A hyper-modern boom metropolis meets oriental tradition and hospitality, plus there are great beaches, a huge selection of hotels and resorts, the best shops and restaurants. Hardly anyone who does not dream of a vacation in Dubai, but sometimes there are a few questions in the back of their minds.
Honeymoon in Dubai
The tallest building in the world, the largest shopping center, the largest indoor snow park, the most luxurious hotels – Dubai knows its way around superlatives. And so the honeymoon in the desert state is faster, more beautiful, and more exciting than anywhere else. So let’s go! You can be there in six hours of flight.
How to dress in the UAE
Tourists often choose the place of recreation by the United Arab Emirates, but sometimes absolutely not interested in local customs and rules. But this eastern country is very religious and strict with those who do not comply with public norms of behavior and dress code.
Ramadan in the UAE
For the United Arab Emirates, the state religion is Islam. However, along with this, other religions are allowed. The Emirates is the most open state in the Arab world. It is here that citizens of many countries of Asia, America, and Western and Eastern Europe live and work. The country has a significant number of temples, churches, and other structures of various religions.
Alcohol and Arabs
Few people know that we owe the existence of strong alcoholic drinks to the Arabs. There is a version that the technology of distillation, which makes it possible to extract the “water of wine” from wine, was transferred to the Europeans through Spain by the Arabs. The Arabic words “alcohol”, “alambik”, “alchemy” have entered many European languages.
Oriental Beauty Secrets
According to research by the Swiss elite medical center Clinique La Prairie, the owners of the healthiest and most well-groomed skin in the world are Arab women. Fortunately, women of the East do not make a secret about their beauty habits and willingly share tips on how to look younger and more attractive.
History of the United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates is an amalgamation of seven emirates on the Arabian Peninsula that have joined forces in a federation for better political and economic cooperation. Above all, the economic development, due to the rich oil reserves, makes the region an important political factor in the Middle East.
Interesting Emirates Features for Tourists
Every corner of the world has its own peculiarities, which have a significant influence on tourist holidays. And in this article, we want to list some facts about the Arab Emirates that tourists should know before going. We would like to refer more to prohibitions, since violations of such prohibitions may lead to imprisonment rather than a fine. Nevertheless, sharia law played an important role in that Muslim country. So what to fear and what to consider before going to Dubai, Sharjah, or other regions of the UAE.
Budget Entertainment in Dubai
Dubai is a city of contrasts. And only by embracing its past and present will you discover our emirate and experience its culture in its entirety. Someone comes to Dubai for just a couple of days, someone travels with family, and there are those who look for budget options for recreation. In any case, whatever the purpose of your trip, you will find entertainment and attractions in Dubai for which you will not have to overpay. Some of them will cost you just one dirham.
Dubai can be called a city of diversity because on the streets you can hear people speaking English, Hindi, Urdu, Philippine and, of course, Arabic, the state language of the UAE. Having in the arsenal a few useful words in the native language of the emirate’s inhabitants, it is possible to show kindness in any situation and enrich your impressions from a holiday in Dubai with pleasant communication. You start with a phrase.

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