Articles on the topic "Holy Month"

+30 % business growth. In the first quarter of last year, the number of business licenses in Dubai increased by 30%.
The MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region is formed by about twenty states of the Middle East and North Africa – the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, and Algeria, with a total population of 355 million people. This is a growing market, it is actively developing and attracts entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world.
In this article, we will summarize the key calendar events that are worth noting for successful business in this region.
Ideas for the Weekend Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. We suggest what to do on non-working days in order to spend them rich and varied.
Ramadan in the UAE
For the United Arab Emirates, the state religion is Islam. However, along with this, other religions are allowed. The Emirates is the most open state in the Arab world. It is here that citizens of many countries of Asia, America, and Western and Eastern Europe live and work. The country has a significant number of temples, churches, and other structures of various religions.
Alcohol and Arabs
Few people know that we owe the existence of strong alcoholic drinks to the Arabs. There is a version that the technology of distillation, which makes it possible to extract the “water of wine” from wine, was transferred to the Europeans through Spain by the Arabs. The Arabic words “alcohol”, “alambik”, “alchemy” have entered many European languages.
Interesting Emirates Features for Tourists
Every corner of the world has its own peculiarities, which have a significant influence on tourist holidays. And in this article, we want to list some facts about the Arab Emirates that tourists should know before going. We would like to refer more to prohibitions, since violations of such prohibitions may lead to imprisonment rather than a fine. Nevertheless, sharia law played an important role in that Muslim country. So what to fear and what to consider before going to Dubai, Sharjah, or other regions of the UAE.
umeirah Mosque
The Jumeira Mosque in Dubai is one of the few mosques in the country open to all visitors, regardless of their religion. The Sheikh Mohammed Cultural Cooperation Center (SMCCU), which operates at the Jumeira Mosque, is the reason for this opportunity. The main purpose of the center is to promote tourists studying the culture and religion of the United Arab Emirates. The Jumeira Mosque has become one of Dubai’s most popular attractions, and its image can be seen on the 500 dirhams bill.
Rules of Conduct in the UAE
In this article, we will try to elaborate on how to behave in the UAE, what is prohibited and what is permitted, how to communicate with the local people, and how to not get into trouble during the rest and the rest of life.

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