Articles on the topic "Dialects"

Today, we would like to share with you our thoughts and experiences on a topic that often remains in the shadows when discussing business strategies – risk assessment in businesses in the Emirates.
The official state language in the Emirates is Arabic. All documents are written in modern Arabic, negotiations are conducted and information is reported to local media.
What you need to know before renting an apartment daily in the UAE. Read the rules and regulations for renting apartments in Dubai.
When going on vacation to the United Arab Emirates, in addition to sightseeing tours and beach holidays, you should also try Arabic cuisine. Discover the 12 most delicious dishes in Arabic cuisine in this article.
In the last article, we talked about the facts of biography, as well as about the first wanderings of Ibn Battuta. After exploring East Africa and the port cities, history continued to move forward.
In this article, we will talk about one of the greatest Arab travelers of the 12th century, who can easily be called the “Arab Christopher Columbus.”
What Language is Spoken in the UAE
The official language of the United Arab Emirates is MSA (Modern Standard Arabic). All official documents are written in MSA, public administration is handled only by MSA, and most media outlets work for MSA.
Business in the UAE
80% of ex-pats have had a significant impact on culture and business practices. The specificity of each office is multinationality. All cultures of the world and dialects exist here. Living in Dubai, you do not…

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