Articles on the topic "City View"

News on Investments in EdTech Startups in the Past Week. We’ll tell you how to increase the volume of attracted investments.
+30 % business growth. In the first quarter of last year, the number of business licenses in Dubai increased by 30%.
Today we would like to share important information about the business licensing process in the UAE. This stage is key when starting a business in this country, and a competent understanding of all aspects of licensing can greatly facilitate your task. Keep in mind that having a license will allow you to conduct business activities in the Emirates following the law.
Designed by the renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, known for his innovative designs, the Dubai Creek Tower represents a fusion of modern technology and aesthetic beauty. Its architectural concept, inspired by nature, captures the elegance of a blooming lily flower.
Dubai is not the lifeless desert it was once thought to be! The Emirates have debunked the stereotype that their land is uninhabitable. They have built the world’s tallest building on shifting sands and created oases of greenery, defying nature. The desert has transformed into a Garden of Eden, and here are the five greenest and most environmentally friendly areas of Dubai, where living is comfortable even at +40 degrees.
The construction of Palm Jumeirah marked one of Dubai’s initial steps toward global recognition. The Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, pledged to create an artificial archipelago resembling a palm tree with 17 fronds by 2006. He aimed to transform the emirate into a premier tourist destination and luxury resort.
The Singing Fountain in Dubai is deservedly considered the best fountain in the world, as well as one of the main attractions of the United Arab Emirates. The fountain is located in the center of Dubai near the famous Burj Khalifa Tower, on a large lake that was created artificially. The fountain is a unique creation of human hands, and it can safely be called one of the wonders of the world.
The liquidity of a real estate property refers to its ability to be quickly sold without significant losses in the original cost.
One method to secure a residence permit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and attain tax residency is by either establishing a new business or acquiring an existing company. The decision between these options is…
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a sought-after destination for business, but cultural nuances raise concerns among international observers. Divergent ratings portray a complex picture, with some highlighting women’s protection and others pointing to discrimination.
We extend our welcome and are excited to present our latest analytical review. Bloomberg recognizes the Dubai market as one of the most promising and accessible globally. Dubai currently holds the fourth position in luxury housing offers. Russian investors took the lead in real estate acquisitions, spending over 800 billion rubles last year, according to expert estimates.
Investment in real estate in Dubai has been a popular trend in recent years. According to Forbes, in 2022 alone, the number of transactions for the sale of residential, and commercial real estate and land in Dubai increased by 77%. It is currently the year 2024, and the prices are still increasing.
Huge malls for shopping lovers, breathtaking attractions for fans of extreme entertainment, restaurants, and snow-white beaches. Dubai has everything to make your holiday unforgettable.
We tell you how you can immerse yourself in one of the most popular, interesting, and profitable professions in the UAE. Do you want to be a realtor?
Dubai has impressively positioned itself as a key player on the crypto stage. Its commitment to creating an attractive business climate means it is steadily attracting blockchain enthusiasts, investors, and innovative crypto companies. The city offers a solid basis for growth and innovation in the crypto sector through its progressive regulatory framework.
Dubai epitomizes luxury, with its journey from a humble fishing port to a dazzling global metropolis being nothing short of spectacular. Witnessing the city of gold for the first time is a breathtaking experience, with…
The choice between Dubai and Oman has confronted many investors lately, so let’s figure it out.
Contrary to popular belief, Dubai’s economy is not dependent on oil production. From the 1960s to the 1990s, city accounts were replenished by the industry, but a huge portion of the income from the sale of resources was used as an investment in economic development. One of the key areas in which funds have been invested is trade; it remains the core of Dubai’s financial well-being.
When venturing into the business landscape of Dubai and other Emirates in the UAE, it’s crucial to adopt a cautious approach, particularly when considering the acquisition of an existing enterprise. This guide aims to illuminate the process of purchasing a business in this region, highlighting essential steps to mitigate potential financial losses and maximize profitability.
Renewable energy is increasingly seen as a crucial means to combat climate change. Among the notable projects in this domain is the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Power Plant, situated in the southern desert of Dubai.
The stability and profitability of real estate investments in Dubai largely depend on the choice of location. In this guide, we will compare several well-known areas and analyze where it is most profitable to purchase real estate.
Today we suggest looking at this issue from a different perspective: let’s look at the benefits of working with an agency when buying and selling real estate in Dubai.
Last year, the United Arab Emirates once again secured a position in the top 10 countries for global competitiveness. The renowned International Institute of Management Development (IMD) compiled the rating, analyzing world economies based on 336 criteria grouped into four key categories: financial performance, entrepreneurial activity, government effectiveness, and infrastructure quality. The leaders of this list create ideal conditions for business development, ensuring rapid economic growth.
Having analyzed the common mistakes in investing in real estate in Dubai, we would like to share our thoughts on why it is not advisable to sell real estate in Dubai soon (including 2025). To better understand this situation, we will look at the current situation in the real estate market in this Arab metropolis.
Real estate in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, attracts the attention of many, but not everyone can afford to invest a large sum right away. Like other developed countries, the UAE is actively developing a lending system that provides various options for those who want to become property owners.
Right now, the dynamic property market in the Emirate is witnessing the emergence of new trends that are shaping its landscape. These trends encompass migration patterns, changes in buyer demographics, luxury property transformations, resale dynamics, stability in the mid-market, and the infusion of new technologies into the home services sector.
Dubai is known for its unique architecture, sophisticated lifestyle, and vibrant economy. Many people dream of purchasing real estate in this amazing place. However, when taking such an important step as buying land, various factors need to be taken into account. In this article, we will look at what you should pay attention to when purchasing a plot of land in Dubai.
If you seek to stand out and appreciate unconventional solutions, you’ll be intrigued by the “country dachas” on an artificial archipelago. The Floating Seahorse project from the Kleindienst Group features unique floating homes with underwater floors and their own coral reef gardens. These are high-tech vessels located 4 kilometers from the coast, consisting of three levels.
We will explore how the installment plan system works in Dubai, the conditions offered by developers, and answer the question of what consequences are possible if payments are made late.
British critic of architecture and urbanism, Tom Dyckhoff, notes that Dubai is actively seeking to change its image, aiming to create a city that is not just luxurious, but also elegant. Plans to transform Dubai into a “proper city” include hinterland areas beyond luxury resorts for major league football stars.

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