Articles on the topic "Bugatti"

According to Forbes, we looked at three of the richest individuals in the UAE. In this article, you will find out who they are and how they accumulated their impressive fortunes.
Developer Hussein Sajwani has amassed immense wealth in the real estate sector, employing unique promotions and leveraging his friendship with Donald Trump.
Abu Dhabi Mall
The Abu Dhabi Mall is one of the largest and first shopping malls in Abu Dhabi. It was opened in 2001. Visitors can choose from a total of 220 shops on 220,000 square meters of retail space. The large food court with 40 different restaurants is also very interesting. For the children, there is a small park where they can play, a large cinema and even a bowling center. The Abu Dhabi Mall is located near the well-known five-star hotel Beach Rotana Hotel & Towers.
Sports Cars and Limousines in Dubai
The emirate of Dubai is known that the expensive sports cars and limousines are displayed there. For tourists, this is of course a special attraction and highlight on vacation.
Son of the Emir of Dubai Buys Luxury Yachts, Planes, and Camels
Diver, skydiver, and falconer lover. He loves lions and white tigers. He’s a snowboarder and a poet, a fine rider, a repeated winner of horse competitions. He owns expensive cars and a yacht – Crown Prince of Dubai Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum.
Dubai: 10 Amazing Facts You Need to Know
For many people, half-knowledge and prejudices instead of facts determine their image of Dubai. We present you with ten interesting facts about Dubai that you probably did not expect.

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