Articles on the topic "Bab Al Shams"

Time for Two
Admittedly, Dubai is not necessarily the first choice for a very special marriage proposal and honeymoon afterward. Tropical travel destinations are more likely to score points. But on Valentine’s Day, the metropolis between desert and sea can certainly come up with romantic moments. Dubai Tourism has a few tips.
Exclusive Desert Tours in the Emirate of Dubai
Tour operators organize and conduct various trips to the desert. The companies offer quality and unusual excursions that take place in small groups or, upon request, in private. Responsibility and discretion with local wildlife and nature are what the right tour operator does.
Active in Dubai: 7 Sporty Leisure Tips
Doing sports in Dubai’s heat? In summer, outdoor sporting activities are hardly conceivable, but in the cooler months a great number of sports and leisure enthusiasts populate the city’s public leisure facilities. On the public beaches of the Arab metropolis alone, every active athlete will find optimal conditions to strengthen their fitness and well-being. We present seven popular activities in our Dubai BLOG that will make the athlete’s heart beat faster.

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