Overview of Startups in the Field of UAE Education and Beyond: Top News

11:47 pm  |  26.07.2024

News on Investments in EdTech Startups in the Past Week. We’ll tell you how to increase the volume of attracted investments.

Estendio: Maximizing Potential Through Inclusive Technologies for All

Founded in 2014 in the UK. Developing the Present Pal application as a communication tool to solve real problems. It operates as a set of interactive cards providing a new, improved, and more accessible way to take notes on presentations. Currently, more than 13,000 students at over 150 universities in Great Britain use it, helping them deliver more confident and prepared presentations.

Voovo: An Application Utilizing Several Innovative Methods for Creating Digital Cards

Founded in 2022 in Hungary. Allows instant creation of cards based on anatomical diagrams, textbooks, and notes using artificial intelligence, optical symbol recognition, text recognition algorithms, text search, and unique features. You can create over 300 cards in just 1 minute.

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Ebona AI: A Mentor in Education Based on Artificial Intelligence

Ai using data to enhance training quality and academic performance

Founded in 2022 in the UAE. Provides opportunities for individual goal-setting and planning, expert recommendations and resources, student-initiated learning paths, and motivational guidance.

Neuromindset: Utilizing Neurobiology and Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Education in Cognitive Abilities and Self-Regulation

Founded in 2018 in Spain. Comprises two learning tools for classrooms and home use: a digital curriculum easily integrated into school programs and an educational gaming app for use at home on mobile devices or computers. Offers online neuroeducation courses, informational materials on child brain development and social, cognitive, and emotional skills, parent workshops, masterclasses, and onsite conferences.

Thiqa Tutoring: Offers Tutoring Services in the UAE

Founded in 2022 in the UAE. The platform brings together students and teachers, overseeing and encouraging the learning process to provide students with a unique educational experience tailored to their needs. 

The main focus is on high-quality supervision, comprehensive management, and personalized consultations for students. Thiqa Tutoring has a significant presence in four major cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, and Al Ain.

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Careeros: Provides a Career Growth Platform for Planning, Managing, and Job Searching from a Single Source

Founded in 2023 in Spain, Careeros serves as a centralized hub for organizing, managing, and job searching. It assists both students and professionals in finding their dream jobs by facilitating communication with key individuals in target companies and streamlining job search processes on a unified platform.

Virohan: Offers Advanced Healthcare Education Programs Tailored to Industry Needs

Established in 2018 in India, Virohan specializes in providing professional healthcare training to prepare individuals for careers in the field. Offering hybrid classes across more than 20 campuses and online learning nationwide in cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Rourkela, Raipur, Mumbai, Nagpur, and others.

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NATIVEX: An Online English Learning Platform Catering to Busy Professionals

Founded in 2023 in Vietnam, NATIVEX offers a comprehensive online platform featuring live classes conducted by experienced instructors from diverse backgrounds. Its innovative group class model enables students to schedule sessions at their convenience, fostering a supportive environment by grouping learners of similar proficiency levels. NATIVEX aims to help working adults enhance their career prospects through English language proficiency, attracting professionals from various sectors including IT, healthcare, marketing, and business.

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