9 Myths about Dubai: You Probably Heard This Somewhere

4:02 pm  |  23.08.2024

We analyzed the 9 most common myths about Dubai. Is everything really that expensive? Is it impossible to buy a SIM card? What about clothes? Continued in our article.

No Property for Non-Residents

There are properties in Dubai for non-resident people of the United Arab Emirates. The entire city is divided into zones called leasehold and freehold zones. In leasehold zones, there is no property for non-citizens. A stateless person can purchase an apartment here only on a long-term lease for 99 years.

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Incredible Taxes

Dubai has low taxes; before there wasn’t even VAT. Currently, VAT is 5%. This is a very small percentage. There is no tax on profits, dividends, and salaries. When opening a business in Dubai, you only pay money for a license and can earn absolutely any amount. Your tax amount will not change. The only unusual tax you may encounter is the tourist tax for your stay in the country, which is 15 dirhams per day per person.

Bringing Pets is Prohibited

In the United Arab Emirates, people’s personal space, self-esteem, and integrity are highly valued. The state is very concerned about the comfort of people and therefore in Dubai, there is a division of residential buildings into Pets friendly status or without it. This status is indicated in each residential complex.

If, for example, you are allergic or do not want to see dogs walking nearby in your yard, then choose a residential complex with a pet-free status. If you want to bring your pet or are planning to adopt a four-legged friend, then consider suitable houses.

Alcohol is Prohibited

Strict rules existed ten years ago. Alcohol could only be drunk in hotels, it was intended for tourists. But over the past 10 years, everything has changed a lot in Dubai. This city no longer looks like a city of strict Sharia law.

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In many ways, the rules remain just as strict. Drinking alcohol in public places not intended for this will also not work. Drunk driving, fighting, and stealing – all this will result in immediate deportation and even prison. But the government understands that their country’s overly strict rules do not suit everyone. 

Alcohol is sold in restaurants, bars, clubs, hotel lobbies, and liquor stores. There are separate liquor stores in Dubai. Alcohol is not sold on grocery store shelves.

There are areas or shopping centers where they do not sell alcohol at all. For example, you will not be able to drink alcohol in any of the restaurants in the Dubai Hills area and you will not be able to buy alcohol in the Dubai Mall.

Impossibility of Obtaining a Residence Permit

In Dubai, it is not difficult to obtain a residence permit or rather a permanent residence visa. You can purchase real estate starting from 205 thousand dollars. You can get a work visa by joining a company. You can get a student visa. It is possible to obtain a family member visa if your spouse received a visa through one of the following methods, i.e. you have the opportunity to obtain a visa as a family member. In Dubai, these visas are issued without restrictions or competition, so obtaining a residence permit is not difficult. However, it is impossible to obtain citizenship

Strict Rules Regarding Clothing

You will not be allowed to wear a swimsuit outside the beach area; you will be asked to cover up or dress up, but there are no restrictions regarding clothing. Women can wear miniskirts and short dresses without restrictions.

Everything is Too Expensive

Prices vary greatly in Dubai. You can go to a restaurant and spend several thousand dollars or buy lunch for $30. This is a city where there are a lot of rich people, and therefore a lot of expensive services. But this does not exclude the presence of decent inexpensive restaurants and grocery stores with a pricing policy.

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Impossible to Sell the Apartment

Unfortunately, there are many scammers and unscrupulous realtors in Dubai. Choose the people you work with carefully and analyze what you are buying and how much money you can sell it for. Otherwise, you will join the list of disappointed investors.

Impossible to Buy SIM Card Without Residence Permit

You can buy a SIM card, they will only open it for you for two weeks. If you want to use it longer, you will have to come to a cellular store and extend the use of the SIM card for another two weeks.

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